[Ponte Alto] Fw: Performers' Revel, Nov 9th

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 22 07:17:41 PDT 2013

Forwarded by request...

[Due to some technical difficulties, it had to be pulled from the Kingdom
Schedule. Nevertheless, It is still being held!]

Continuing a tradition whose origin is lost in the mists of time ... on
Saturday, November 9th, the ancient and venerable Performers' Revel will
take place in the vasty halls of Caer Bear. This is an event OF
performers FOR performers BY performers! The call goes out to all
musicians, singers, poets, dancers, actors, storytellers, jugglers and
other practitioners of the performing arts. Novice performers are
particularly encouraged. Are you perhaps learning a new art or skill? Are
you perhaps reluctant to perform before a packed and noisy hall? Then
this event is especially for you!  By longstanding tradition, we have no
audience - everyone who attends must contribute at least one performance.
But fear not! The definition of "performance" is quite elastic. Give it a

PRACTICALITIES: By ancient custom, the revel will be held at the home of
Baron Igor Bear and Baroness Fevronia Murometsa, 2204 Amber Meadows
Drive, Bowie MD 20716. The site is wet (as long as you are 21 or older)
and very cheap! The hall opens at 10am, performances usually start around
noon and continue until the last vestiges of energy run out. The only fee
is a donation $12 to cover the feast - Baron Igor will conduct his
traditional proof that cooking is indeed a performing art! If you are
off-board, the cost is free.  [NOTE BENE: small children may find the
need to sit quietly rather tedious, so parents may want to make
appropropriate childcare arrangements]. 

AUTOCRAT/RESERVATIONS: Baroness Fevronia Murometsa, 2204 Amber Meadows
Drive, Bowie, MD 20716,  Checks for feast may be made out to Ed Sobansky.
For any questions, please call 301-390-4428. or email owlharp at juno.com

One Weird Trick
Could add $1,000s to Your Social Security Checks! See if you Qualify&#8230
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