<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Forwarded by request...</div><div> </div><div>****************************************************<br>*************** PERFORMERS' REVEL IS STILL HAPPENING !!!!!<br>*****************************************<br><br>[Due to some technical difficulties, it had to be pulled from the Kingdom<br>Schedule. Nevertheless, It is still being held!]<br><br> Continuing a tradition whose origin is lost in the mists of time ... on<br>Saturday, November 9th, the ancient and venerable Performers' Revel will<br>take place in the vasty halls of Caer Bear. This is an event OF<br>performers FOR performers BY performers! The call goes out to all<br>musicians, singers, poets, dancers, actors, storytellers, jugglers and<br>other practitioners of the performing arts. Novice performers are<br>particularly encouraged. Are you perhaps learning a
new art or skill? Are<br>you perhaps reluctant to perform before a packed and noisy hall? Then<br>this event is especially for you! By longstanding tradition, we have no<br>audience - everyone who attends must contribute at least one performance.<br>But fear not! The definition of "performance" is quite elastic. Give it a<br>try!<br> <br>PRACTICALITIES: By ancient custom, the revel will be held at the home of<br>Baron Igor Bear and Baroness Fevronia Murometsa, 2204 Amber Meadows<br>Drive, Bowie MD 20716. The site is wet (as long as you are 21 or older)<br>and very cheap! The hall opens at 10am, performances usually start around<br>noon and continue until the last vestiges of energy run out. The only fee<br>is a donation $12 to cover the feast - Baron Igor will conduct his<br>traditional proof that cooking is indeed a performing art! If you are<br>off-board, the cost is free. [NOTE BENE: small children may find the<br>need to sit quietly
rather tedious, so parents may want to make<br>appropropriate childcare arrangements]. <br><br>AUTOCRAT/RESERVATIONS: Baroness Fevronia Murometsa, 2204 Amber Meadows<br>Drive, Bowie, MD 20716, Checks for feast may be made out to Ed Sobansky.<br>For any questions, please call 301-390-4428. or email <a href="mailto:owlharp@juno.com" ymailto="mailto:owlharp@juno.com">owlharp@juno.com</a><br><br>____________________________________________________________<br>One Weird Trick<br>Could add $1,000s to Your Social Security Checks! See if you Qualify…<br><a href="http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/523e30f2671cc30f20c9fst02vuc" target="_blank">http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/523e30f2671cc30f20c9fst02vuc</a><br><br><br></div> </div></body></html>