[Ponte Alto] Academie d'Espee
Stephen Middleton
aethilgar at gmail.com
Thu May 1 09:41:02 PDT 2008
I've always taken the blue and gold scarves as being similar to the various
belt colors. One wearing a red belt is likely a squire... but it is not an
SCA rule nor an official award. Anybody could, technically, wear a red belt
and not be a squire. One might be looked at funny by knights and other
squires... it might raise questions... but it's not 'against the SCA
rules'. To be a squire, one must be taken as one by a knight... oaths are
typically exchanged... and then the red belt has meaning.
The same holds true for blue and gold scarves. Anybody could, technically,
wear a blue or gold scarf. You might be looked at funny by Academie
members... but it's not 'against the SCA rules'.
Is that not so, Belphoebe?
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Belphoebe <belfebe at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Takeda,
> Yes, it can be confusing. But we can straighten it
> out.
> > Are blue scarfs regulated (per the Academie d'
> > Espee, for Scholars), or
> > is that just something any authorized fencer may
> > wear?
> They are regulated by the Academie d'Espee. If you
> wear a blue scarf, that means that you belong to the
> guild.
> There are some of us that wear no scarf, and we are
> authorized rapier fighters. It is confusing because
> years ago, as soon as you got authorized, marshals
> would slap a blue scarf on you without any
> explanations.
> That has changed, and now people make an effort to
> explain newly authorized rapier fighters the
> implications of accepting a blue scarf, and there's
> even an oath that accompanies it.
> > Gold(Yellow) scarfs are only worn by Free Scholars
> > named by the
> > regulations of the Academie d' Espee
> Correct.
> > White scarfs are worn by those granted the Award of
> > the White Scarf
> > (Kingdom Grant) and may call themselves a member of
> > the Order of the
> > White Scarf.
> Correct. Actually, they *do* call themselve members
> of the Order of the White Scarf, as Atlantia is a
> signatary of the Inter-Kingdom Treaty of the White
> Scarf. It is the name of the award.
> If one is a member of the Academie d'
> > Espee (and duly
> > authorized by the Academie) one additionally may
> > title themself as
> > Provost of the Academie.
> Correct.
> > So if someone who had been awarded a white scarf
> > from say, AnTir came
> > to Atlantia, they would still be:
> > Lord SoandSo, Order of the White Scarf, but would
> > not have rank in the
> > Academie...
> Correct.
> > Thus theoretically there is the possibility that one
> > granted a white
> > scarf from another kingdom might wear a white scarf,
> > and another color
> > if they are members of the Academie but not yet be
> > acknowledged as a
> > Provost.
> No. All other Kingdoms have a white scarf as the
> symbol of their Order of the White Scarf. Atlantia is
> the only one that has added a blue Spike and a blue
> stripe to its award.
> > Anyone ever given any thought to putting something
> > easily identifiable
> > on the Acadeime scarves? Like a Blue and white
> > fringe... that way it
> > would be immediately apparent Academie status...
> > (for those
> > non-academie folks) And plus it is more spiffy
> > bling-bling :)
> The Atlantian White Scarf already has the blue and
> white colors :-)
> Right now, it is not an issue. All members of the
> Order of the White scarf of Atlantia, except for one,
> are members of the Academie d'Espee. I don't think
> that it is much of an issue at this time, but it is an
> interesting point.
> Oh, and there are some other WS within Atlantia that
> are technically non-members of the Academie, and those
> are the ones that came from other Kingdoms and had
> already an out of Kingdom white scarf.
> Hope that this helps, and that doesn't add to the
> confusion.
> Cheers,
> Belphoebe
> Free Range Rapier Fighter
> -- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly
> dressed.
> (From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
> Une Robe Magnifique: http://www.houseffg.org/belphoebe
> House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569":
> http://www.houseffg.org
> Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org
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