[Ponte Alto] Academie d'Espee -- Regalia

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 11:04:57 PDT 2008

Greetings Aethilgar,

It is a very interesting point. Actually, in other
Kingdoms there is the Cadet-Don system, whereas
someone who becomes cadeted to a Don (holder of a
white scarf or another highest level rapier award
holder), wears a red scarf.

The wearing of a red scarf from a cadet to a Don, was
created in reminiscence of the wearing of a red belt
of a squire to a Knight.  Some people do the oaths of
fealty and the whole nine yards.

In Atlantia, the Don/Cadet relationship is not the
norm.  It does not mean that it cannot exist, and some
people do indeed take personal students, but I have
yet to see any Atlantians wearing a red scarf.

Instead, Atlantia adopted the Academie d'Espee.  It is
a guild, and it is not chartered.  However, although
not chartered, the Academie and Atlantian rapier are
very much intertwined.  The oath is not to a person,
but to Atlantia in general and to the Academie in
particular.  The Academie was instrumental in the
promotion and adoption of rapier in this Kingdom, and
that cannot be denied.

Regarding blue and gold scarves, although there is no
rule in the Great Book of Law or in Policy, it is
considered in poor taste to wear the scarves
(particularly the gold) if you have not earned them. 

Hope this helps.

(Who could talk about the subject till your ears
bleed, and who knows more about the history of the
Academie than some of its members, which is quite

--- Stephen Middleton <aethilgar at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've always taken the blue and gold scarves as being
> similar to the various
> belt colors.  One wearing a red belt is likely a
> squire... but it is not an
> SCA rule nor an official award.  Anybody could,
> technically, wear a red belt
> and not be a squire.  One might be looked at funny
> by knights and other
> squires... it might raise questions... but it's not
> 'against the SCA
> rules'.  To be a squire, one must be taken as one by
> a knight... oaths are
> typically exchanged... and then the red belt has
> meaning.
> The same holds true for blue and gold scarves. 
> Anybody could, technically,
> wear a blue or gold scarf.  You might be looked at
> funny by Academie
> members... but it's not 'against the SCA rules'.
> Is that not so, Belphoebe?
> YiS,
> Aethilgar
> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Belphoebe

-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
Une Robe Magnifique: http://www.houseffg.org/belphoebe
House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": http://www.houseffg.org
Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org

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