[Archers] Kingdom Archery Champion Quiver

Jonathas Jonathas at RedFoxDen.org
Wed May 25 05:46:22 PDT 2011

Yes it was a confusing time to say the least.  During Logan's last reign, by
royal decree he decided to reclaim the title of "Archery Champion" to be
awarded at the whims of the current Crowns, just as they choose the Rapier
and Armored champion however they see fit, to include possibly not having
one at all.

Originally he was planning on doing away with the traditions which had
developed around the position.  Myself and several others fought long and
hard to maintain the traditions of the position, in the end that meant the
title had to change.  But the benefit is that it became a chartered Kingdom
Notable added to Kingdom Law ( http://law.atlantia.sca.org/Law.html#F ),
being written into Law it is less likely to be changed in the future, but
had to be named in the likeness of the other Notables.  Then came the fun of
boiling the all tradition down to a sentence or two to be added to Kingdom

In the end the traditional position survived intact but had to change names
and now protected by Law, plus a second position also added. Both are worthy
positions, one as the pinnacle of skill, the other as high recognition by
our monarchs.

The two positions we have are:

The "*Royal Archer*" which is chosen each year by right of arms as the
winner of the archery tournament run by the previous Royal Archer. The
history and previous winners are recorded at:


The "*Archery Champion*" which is chosen at the whims of each King and Queen
for any qualities they see fit.The history and previous champions are
recorded at:

Hope this helps


On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 7:13 AM, John Atkins <cogworks at triad.rr.com> wrote:

>  Fen,
> Welcome to the confused and befuddled crowd!  In my experience Royal
> anything, bard, brewer, scribe, etc., WAS a member of the current court.
> Exceptions to that were the heavy champion and rapier champion.  Logan
> choose to call this position the Atlantian Archer Champion, a name that had
> formerly refered to that individual who won the day long shoot event named
> such.  When he re-created that position, it actually existed previously and
> I believe Samual Calvert was the first, the "other" archer position, the one
> named for the individual winning the day long shoot event, was named the
> Atlantian Royal Archer Champion.  Clear?  No?  More like muddy water.  So,
> how to keep them staight?  Easy, I just remember than any member of the
> current court is the Royal whatever, EXCEPT for the archery champion.  They
> are the Atlantian champion and the "other" champion is the Royal champion.
> They are reversed.
> OK, my head hurts now.  Going away,
> cog
>  -----Original Message-----
> *From:* fenrisulven at comcast.net [mailto:fenrisulven at comcast.net]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 25, 2011 3:04 AM
> *To:* John Atkins
> *Cc:* Siegfried; archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Archers] Kingdom Archery Champion Quiver
> "When Jonathas was the champion Logan re-instituted the archery
> champion position as a member of court.  Logan choose to name this
> position Atlantian Archery Champion, thus the former Atlantian Archery
> Champion then became the Royal Archery Champion (this being the
> individual who won the day long shoot formerly known as the Atlantian
> Archery Champion shoot)."
> This always confuses my feeble mind.
> The Royal's archer is known as the Atlantian Archery Champion,
> but the actual Atlantian Archery Champion is the Royal Archer?
> er, right?
> Seems backwards.  Makes my head hurt.  How do you remember which is which?
> Cheers
> Befuddled Fen
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