[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Branchseneschals] 2014 Known World Children's Fete

Christine Menton ladypartypanther at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 22:21:20 PDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Atlantian Branch Seneschals <
branchseneschals at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:58 PM
Subject: [Branchseneschals] 2014 Known World Children's Fete
To: Children's Fete <childrens_fete at yahoogroups.com>, Announce List <
announce at atlantia.sca.org>, Youth Officers <
atlantiayouthofficers at yahoogroups.com>, Merry Rose <
atlantia at atlantia.sca.org>, Seneschals List <
branchseneschals at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>

Greetings Unto The Known World,

Please cross-post.

In just three very short weeks we will be hosting the Known World
Children's Fete at Pennsic.
It is NEVER TO LATE to sign up to help.
If you have been planning to sign up but just couldn't get to it, please
take a moment to fill out the form below.

We need fighters and face painters especially. If you want to have an
activity table, please let me know so that I can reserve space for you.
There is also still room for general helpers.

The Fete will be in The Great Hall on Wednesday, August 6th, 12:30 pm to
2:30 pm with set-up an hour before and clean-up an hour after.

Looking forward to a great time with the children!

Tammy Reid/Lady Aine O Grienan
FHE (Forsyth Home Educators); SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism); BSA
(Boy Scouts of America); OA (Order of the Arrow)
*"If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with every one."
(Romans 12:18) - In other words, just be nice.*

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Per pale vert and purpure, a panther rampant argent, incensed Or,spotted
vert and purpure
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