[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto - Little Event with a Great Big Feast - 15 Feb 2014

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 13 17:00:02 PST 2014

15 February 2014
Barony of Ponte Alto

Are you tired of working really hard at events?  Then it’s time to attend an event where you can just relax, talk, have fun, and be fed really well in the Barony of Ponte Alto.  

This is a little event for only 80 people, but we are planning a huge feast with many different dishes, which will be served over a period of several hours.  Throughout the day, there will also be music and gaming.

The schedule is pretty simple: 
11 am – Site opens
12:30 pm – Feast serving begins
3:30 pm – Feast serving ends
7 pm – Site closes.

Since this is for a small number of people, we expect to sell out quickly, so we encourage you to reserve early.  Please remember that the only good reservation is a paid reservation.  There is NO off-board seating or day-trip.  Pre-registration for this event must be received by 8 February, to give our cooks enough time to properly prepare the feast.  Feast information will be following in a separate post.

Arts & Sciences Activities:  Their Excellencies Ponte Alto will be selecting their Bardic and A & S Champions.

Adult, Member:    $18.00
Adult, Non-Member:    $23.00 
Youth (6-17):    $18.00
Child (0-5):    $0.00

Make Checks Payable To:  SCA, Inc., Barony of Ponte Alto

Site:  The event will be held at King of Kings Lutheran Church, 4025 Kings Way, Fairfax VA 22033.

Site Restrictions:  The site is DRY and No Smoking is permitted anywhere in the building.

Other Information:  For questions, contact the autocrat at (703) 975-9146 (NLT 9pm) or afpopa AT yahoo.com

Autocrat's Information:  Baron Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli (Robert Capozello), 3400 Sherwood Court, Falls Church, VA 22042,  Phone: (703) 975-9146, E-mail:  afpopa at yahoo.com

Reservations:  Send reservations to autocrat


From the Capital Beltway: 

Take I-66 West towards Vienna/Front Royal. Follow approximately 6.6 miles. Exit onto LEE JACKSON MEMORIAL HWY/US-50, West, towards Fair Oaks/Winchester. After about 2.5 miles, pass under the Fairfax County Parkway (Route 7100), and be in the left lane to turn left at the next light onto Middle Ridge Drive. IMMEDIATELY turn left onto the Route 50 service road. This road curves right, becoming Kings Way. The church is on the left. 

From points west or southern Fairfax County: 

Take your best route to the intersection of I-66 and Route 7100, Fairfax County Parkway. Take the Parkway NORTH. (DON'T exit at 50: You won't be able to get across the traffic to where you need to be.) After crossing Route 50, turn left at the light onto Rugby Road. Go straight through the intersection of Rugby and Route 50, and IMMEDIATELY turn left onto the Route 50 service road. This road curves right, becoming Kings Way. The church is on the left.
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