[Ponte Alto] visting SCA at Ft. Belvoir

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Wed Sep 14 09:23:28 PDT 2011

Greetings to the list:
I just received a phone call from Baroness Gwyneth Rhiannon of the Sea, who is from Alaska, but is at Fort Belvoir for the next 3 weeks for classes.  She is interested in meeting up with Barony members to help pass the time while she is here.  Newcomer's meeting is this Friday at Lady Luce's house in Oakton, and Baroness Gwyneth would love to join us if someone could give her a ride.  
At Her Excellency's request I am  posting her contact information:
Baroness Gwyneth Riannon of the Sea(mka Jerri Withers) email:  gmwdcare AT yahoo.comcell: 907-378-0831 
She did state that her phone is off during class but you can leave a message or she is available by phone after 1630hrs. (4:30pm) 
If you are able to make arrangements with her to join us at either Newcomer's or taking her to a local event over the next 3 weeks, please let me know.
Yours in ServiceLady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada Deputy Chatelaine
mka Christine Mentonmentoni at msn.com 

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