[Ponte Alto] Winter practice tourneys at Lemon Road Elementary - save the dates

cunian at citlink.net cunian at citlink.net
Wed Dec 15 17:15:46 PST 2010

Due to general low attendance at Sunday practices, we have only scheduled 2 Sunday indoor practices at Lemon Road Elementary this winter: Sunday, January 16 and Sunday, February 13, 1:30pm to 4:30pm.  (Thursday practices are continuing whenever the school is in session.) 

To make these practices more interesting, we will run them in a tournament format.  Beginning with a double elim tournament and segueing into a bear pit.  We will fight outdoors if the weather is nice, but if we are stuck indoors, bouts will be to first wound rather than kill due to site rules.  Wear non-marking shoes and leave any knives, box-cutters etc behind.  Start out the new year right and get a jump on the spring fighting season!


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