[Ponte Alto] Atlantia, Ponte Alto, IL Tempo Newsletter.

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 13 07:03:54 PST 2010

Greetings Everyone, 
I hope this e-mail finds everyone happy, healthy and well fed. :) 
Starting this month I will be sending an electronic copy of our newsletter to the Society chronicler. This was requested at Unevent as something that should have been happening but hasn't. So, going forward I will be adding the Society Chronicler to our e-mail blast. 
Next month becuase of our upcoming Investiture we will have two Baronial meetings because our regular meeting falls the day after Investiture and we do not normally have a December meeting because of the holidays. That being the case one will fall on January 2 and the other on January 23. These two meetings will not be covered in one issue of the Il Tempo, but as sepearate issues of (Dec/Jan and Jan/Feb) the Il Tempo. I will therefore handle the Jan 2, meeting as if it were held in December and include it in the Dec/Jan issue of the Il Tempo. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com or chronicler.pontealto.atlantia.sca.org.
Now, for this months issue of the Il Tempo. Please follow the link to our monthly electronic newsletter: http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/iltempo/archive/2010/NovDec.pdf
Have fun. And have a happy and safe holiday season.
Baroness Marie-Therese Normand
Chronicler, Ponte Alto
Kingdom of Atlantia

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