[Ponte Alto] FW: [Announcements] New Appointments
Katharine Devereaux
katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 10 06:58:57 PST 2009
Congratulations to our new "local" Society Chatelaine - Luce Antony Venus!
Katharine Devereaux
Baroness of Ponte Alto
Kingdom of Atlantia
From: janefalada at hotmail.com
To: announcements at sca.org
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:30:59 -0600
Subject: [Announcements] New Appointments
The SCA President and Board of Directors are proud to announce the appointment of the following individuals:
Denise Leeson-Provost (Genevote Villeneuve de la Fleche), President-elect, SCA, Inc. Ms. Leeson-Provost’s three-year term begins February 1, 2010 at the close of Patrick Anderson’s term.
Elaine Koogler (Minowara Kiritsubo), Compleat Anachronist Editor. Ms. Koogler’s three-year term begins on January 1, 2010.
Elizabeth Georges-Emrish (Luce Antony Venus), Society Chatelaine. Ms. Georges-Emrish’s three-year term begins on January 1, 2010.
GregRobin Smith (Brand Deuz-Leon), Marketing Coordinator (a Deputy Seneschal position). Mr. Smith’s three-year term began on November 1, 2009.
Karl Hamner (Sven Egilsson) has accepted the position of chair for the Grants Committee, effective immediately.
Wendy Erisman, Ph.D. (Gwenllian ferch Maredudd) has accepted the position of chair for the SCA Census 2010 Committee, effective immediately.
Patrick Anderson
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
president at sca.org
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