[Ponte Alto] Coronet RFP

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Tue May 26 19:03:29 PDT 2009

As discussed at the last Baronial Business Meeting, here is the DRAFT
Request for Proposal for the new coronets for review by the populace.  We
will be voting to accept this RFP at the next Baronial business meeting, at
which point it will be released to potential bidders.

Please review and if you have comments, please send them to me off-line.  My
hope is that we can approve this RFP at the next meeting and move this
process forward.

Her Excellency Belphoebe is collecting a list of potential bidders.  If you
know of someone who has the expertise to execute this RFP, please provide
their contact information to Belpheobe.

Many thanks for your support.

In Service,
Luce Antony Venus
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