[Ponte Alto] Atlantian Costumers Guild Meeting 31 May 2009

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Fri May 15 07:58:12 PDT 2009

Our next meeting will be Sunday, May 31, 2:00 – 5:00 at the Centerville G-Street Store.  (5077 Westfields Blvd. Centreville, Virginia 20120 Phone: 703-818-).  This will give you an hour after the meeting to shop, if desired. I need to be sure we have enough chairs, so be sure to let me know if you’re planning on coming.



Discussions of future meetings. (If you'd like to volunteer to teach or lead a discussion, please send me a note)

Show us what you brought and the patterns.  If you have non-commercial patterns, please bring them. If you have a sample made from that pattern, please bring that as well. Folks that would like to copy patterns need to bring drafting materials and pattern paper. (Brown paper, newspaper, muslin, Tru-Grid interfacing http://www.newarkdress.com/NF53.html. 

Copy patterns.

Book reviews. Please bring any books you'd like to share. We're going to focus on Venitian in prep for the upcoming 12th night, so bring books around this theme. Also, books that relate to the samples and patterns you've brought.

Looking forward to seeing you!

In Service,

Lady Alessandra di Venizia


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