[Ponte Alto] Schedule for Investiture

Snoleopard4 at aol.com Snoleopard4 at aol.com
Fri Feb 22 09:40:59 PST 2008

Greetings to the Tavern!
The playful Atlantian weather spirits descended late  last night with their 
typical sense of humor, leaving cold, ice, freezing  rain and snarled traffic.  
But, the valiant VDOT warriors were  ready for them this time, fought a good 
battle, and won.  The weather  wizards (AKA the Weather Channel) are smiling 
at us today, and promising much  better weather tomorrow for our glorious day.  
Cloudy, but no rain, no ice  and a high of 45.
I am pleased to announce the schedule for the Investiture of Ponte  Alto:
 9:00   Troll opens
11:00  Morning Court/Investiture
12:00  Heavy and Rapier fighting in the Equestrian Center begins
12:00 - 2:00 Fundraising Luncheon being sold upstairs in Sykes  Hall 
12:30 - 4:00 Judging and display of A&S items 
  2:00 - 4:00 Children's Corner, downstairs, Sykes Hall
  1:00  Throughout the afternoon - competitions to choose  the new Baronial 
Artisan and Bard
  4:00  Troll closes
  5:00  Evening Court (subject to change)
  6:00  Italian Feast (subject to change)
11:00  Site closes
All A&S items should be entered by 12:00 and picked up by 4:30 to  allow time 
to set up for Court.
We hope the weather doesn't deter you from coming out tomorrow, it's going  
to be a great day.
Lady Wulfwyn AElfwines dohtor
"We listened  for a voice crying in the wilderness. And we heard the 
jubilation of the  wolves!"
Durwood L. Allen

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      
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