[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto in period?

Susan Reed nachtanz at patriot.net
Fri Nov 16 10:06:41 PST 2007

Scott Cozad wrote:
> cjhalstead at verizon.net wrote:
>> I keep thinking that those of us who are still around at all from that
>> time need to get together and develop a history of the barony.  Maybe this
>> will encourage us. :-)
>> Caitlyn
> Edward:
> I'd be happy to collect the info and make it available on the website.  I
> have all the emails sent here and I'm going to email some "ol' farts" I
> know that may be able to shed some more light on the baronial origins.
> If anyone has more information or know who might please send it or them my
> way.
> Pax,
> Edward de Clare

What you really need to do is to get us old farts sitting around 
reminiscing and have a tape recorder running. I would have a hard time 
remembering things cold, but get me in a group of other people who were 
there at the time and their memories would trigger more of mine.

As for the origin of the name, Ponte Alto, what Caitlyn has recounted 
seems to be what I remember as well.

Somewhere, I have all of our records for Niall and my term as Baron and 
Baroness and that would refresh my memory even more. However, I'm in the 
middle of deadlines and it may be a while before I can retrieve them and 
look through them.

Another idea might be to try to identify all the arms on the 
"Emancipation Proclamation" and hunt some of those people down.

Founding Baroness Ponte Alto

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