[Ponte Alto] Questions re: Possible Indoor Site For Baronial Activities

Barbara Reed bereed26 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 23 09:26:30 PST 2007

Fellow Pontoons:  While this is an intersting proposal
and perhaps a good opportunity for the Barony, I think
that Mistress Anne brings up a very valid point
regarding financial liability for the Barony.  While
the heavy fighters may well have "pledged" financial
support for this endeavour, they are NOT the ones with
whom the school would have a financial contract, and
thus they are NOT the ones who would be legally on the
hook for the money.  The BARONY would be the legal
entity with the financial obligation.

Anne has also asked a germain question regarding
immediacy of this decision.  Has the individual to
whom the school spoke explained to the school
administration that we have certain proceedures which
our local organization must follow for such a
financial outlay?  If not, then I would recommend that
this be the first course of action.  The school
administration may be willing to allow us a little bit
of time to go through proper channels to vote on this
proposal.  If the school is addemate that a decision
must be made now (but I will point out that the
Fairfax County schools are closed until January 2),
then it would be proper to ask the Emergendy Financial
Committee to vote on a one month contract, perhaps for
2 Sundays of that month.  As the school appears to
have been to ones to approach our group on this
matter, they may be willing to work with us on the
particulars if we ask them. 

Yours in Service,

Greta Klusenaere, O.P.

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