[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Library Online

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at cox.net
Sun Aug 19 20:06:53 PDT 2007

Greetings, Friends!

Now that you are home from Pennsic, dried out, unpacked (well,  
mostly) and drooling over your new treasures, may I remind you to  
visit the Kingdom of Atlantia's Library Online and the newly created  
Ponte Alto Library Online at http://www.librarything.com/groups/ 
baronyofpontealto.  The Kingdom of Atlantia's Library Online has over  
14,000 books from member's personal libraries!  What a resource we  
can be to each other.  The kingdom's library address is http:// 
www.librarything.com/groups/kingdomofaltantia.  Visit and see what  
your fellow Atlantian's have collected and read.  Then let's get the  
Ponte Alto Library rolling!

On the Librarything web site, you can catalog your personal library,  
enabling you to share what titles you own, to make comments about the  
books and let your fellow enthusiasts know if you are willing to lend  
or host a book viewing for specific books.    (Not to mention being  
able to find out if someone already has the one you were going to get  
them for their birthday!)

In Service,
Sorcha de Glys
Ponte Alto, Atlantia
sorchadeglys at cox.net

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