[Ponte Alto] Please Edit Your Posts

Chaedy Ritherdon razorgirl.au at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 10:47:47 PST 2006

G'day everyone

I'm not the list mod of this list, and I'm new so I'm not sure who the best
person would be to ask about this, so I'll just ask everyone.

When you reply to an email, can you please edit your posts to what is
relevant. Ie. Please don't leave the entire original email whey you're
putting in a single line response.

Please take pity on a Uni Student and edit your posts. You should see what
the last few "digest mode" emails have looked like. They're not pretty.

: )

"Chaedy of Lochac"

Chaedy Ritherdon
razorgirl.au at gmail.com
LJ: Razorgirl_au

Student, University of Canberra, Australia   (on exchange to)
Student, George Mason University, Virginia, USA

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