[Ponte Alto] Drummers wanted for halfa

Sarah Pearson spearson at aypf.org
Thu Mar 9 08:01:23 PST 2006

I tried posting to Harp & Drum, but it didn't take.


I'm a SCA/Merc (a hybrid?) in Alexandria who fights AND dances. I'm
looking to get in contact with some drummers. I'd like to organize a
halfa that may continue throughout the year, but we need drummers.
Please pass on my contact information to those who may be interested.


Ladies, if you're interested in talking with me about coming to dance,
share some moves, or learn some, or just to hang out please contact me!
The only men allowed are the good looking ones who drum. I'm looking at
the spring/summer calendar choose dates soon. :-)


Lady Isabella Candeloro (mka - Sarah Pearson)

sspearson at verizon.net



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