[Ponte Alto] Martial Activities for Defending the Gate V

Shalandara at aol.com Shalandara at aol.com
Tue Mar 7 12:36:57 PST 2006

Sent on Behalf of Baron Turgeis, Marshal in Charge  for Defending the Gate V: 
Greetings Fair Atlantia, 
This missive comes to you with the purpose of  announcing/explaining the 
Heavy and Rapier activities for Defending the Gate, to  be held on March 25th.  
For Target Archery and Thrown weapons  competitions, please see the web site 
(http://sudentorre.atlantia.sca.org/dtg5.php) )  for more details on team composition and rules.  
For both H & R, there will be two main events:  Fighting in a gate 
house/sally port, and FINN Ball.  If you attended  last year, the scenario is the same.  
Teams of 3 to 5 fighters battling for  control of the Gate.  Individual team 
members may fight with any weapons  form in which he or she is authorized, 
including COMBAT ARCHERY.   
Last year I was asked if a team could consist of five  authorized combat 
archers.  My answer was, “ Sure.  I just set up the  scenario.  It's up to you to 
figure out how to win.”  Otherwise, the only limitation is no more than one  
Knight per Heavy team and no more than one White Scarf per Rapier  team. 
We will still run this part of the tournament in Bear  Pit Style”.  One 
Attacking team, One Defending team.  The goal is to  “control” the defenders area. 
 This will be further explained on event  day.  One point is awarded to the 
victorious team.  If a team wins  three points in a row, they move to the back 
of the line and we bring out two  new teams.   
The big announcement for this year is…..   
Drum roll please…. 
We have constructed real gate house to fight in.   NO HAY BALES.  No 
discussion as to whether or not a shot was over the hay  bale, so therefore it doesn’t 
count.  We have gone to great lengths to  design and build a SAFE structure 
for your fighting pleasure.  Your Pre-Operations Intelligence states the gate 
house  is 10 feet long, 6 feet wide and 8 feet high.  Start your  planning. 
The other event for the day (again for both H&R)  will be FINN Ball.  This 
event focuses on small unit tactics in the open  field.  Shoot, Move and 
Communicate.  It’s a combination of a King’s  battle and football, but just no ball. 
 Details on event  day. 
Just like last year, we HIGHLY encourage teams to LOOK  like teams.  This is 
a team event so get out your livery.  Teams must  declare what group they are 
representing for the day when they sign up for an  event, be it H, R, TA, TW 
or A&S.  A barony/household/group can  have more than one team in any category! 
 Think of the sledding events in  the Olympics, where there were 2 bobsled 
teams competing under the US  flag.  Honors will be paid to winning teams as 
well as their represented  group. 
Our goal is to provide you with a full day of fun  regardless for what that 
fun is.  Any questions concerning marshalling  activities may be directed to 
your humble servant, Baron Turgeis, Marshal in  Charge 
(_turgeis_hakonson at verizon.net_ (mailto:turgeis_hakonson at verizon.net) ). 
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