[Ponte Alto] Baronial Brewer Competition at Chalice of the Sun God

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 27 08:50:51 PDT 2006

Greetings Pontoons,

As we mentioned at the Baronial business meeting last
Saturday, His Excellency and I would like to
re-institute the office of Baronial Brewing Champion. 

Taking advantage of the fact that the site for Chalice
of the Sun God will be a wet one, His Excellency and I
will be selecting our Baronial Brewer then.

So brewers of the Barony, start your engines and get
ready!  We'll see you at Chalice!

Yours in Service,


-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
Une Robe Magnifique: http://www.houseffg.org/belphoebe
House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": http://www.houseffg.org
Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org

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