[Ponte Alto] Queen of Glean Abhann needs help

agnes daunce agnes_daunce at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 26 11:53:19 PDT 2006

Greetings Pontoons,
Our former Queen, Mary Grace,needs strong hands at Pennsic. Her
Majesty will be at Pennsic but it will only be the Queen and a
couple of ladies in waiting.  So, they can use help in setting
up their tents. I advised her Majesty that I would see if I
could find able bodied people to help her. I immediately thought
of Ponte Alto as they are always so generous. If you are willing
to lend some time at land grab Glean Abhann Royal is located
NO1. Look forward to hearing from all who can lend a hand. Thank
you in advance.
In Service,
Agnes Daunce

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