[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Storvik fighter practice cancelled

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 08:42:32 PST 2006

Greetings all fighters -
  William the younger informs me Storvich Monday practice is cancelled for this coming Monday. Read below for further information.
  Lady Marie-Therese Normand
  Seneschal, Ponte Alto
  Fighter Chic. :)

William Stanton <wstanton at bellatlantic.net> wrote:
  Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 18:56:08 -0500
From: "William Stanton" <wstanton at bellatlantic.net>
To: "Storvik" <storvik at yahoogroups.com>,
"Roxbury Mill" <Roxbury-Mill at atlantia.sca.org>,
"Merry Rose" <atlantia at atlantia.sca.org>
Subject: [MR] Storvik fighter practice cancelled

The Storvik fighter practice in College Park, MD is cancelled for this
coming Monday, February 13. The church parish hall is converted into a
homeless shelter for one week as part of a county wide rotating shelter
during the winter months. This coming week is the week for St Andrews
church. Many fighters come long distances to this practice and usually don’t
worry about it being cancelled, as it is a very regular and reliable site.
Recently I have seen many new faces that are not regulars at the Storvik
practice that have come a long way to take advantage of a practice with
25-30 fighters in armor. I would request that this notice be cross posted as
much as possible to avoid the possibility of someone not getting this
information and driving a long way for nothing. To help remember which
Monday is cancelled it is the day before Valentines Day.

William the Younger

The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
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