[Ponte Alto] Demos...

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 10:09:31 PDT 2005


Here is my interpretation of what would be considered
"SCA Related" educational activities.

As it has been duly pointed out, the SCA is an
educational, non-profit organization.  The education
part comes from promoting knowledge of life in the
middle ages and the Renaissance. That includes combat

That is the mission of the SCA.

Therefore, anything that will show what people
believed, ate, wear, create, etc.  Or how they fought,
loved, lived, etc.  is SCA related.  

I do not believe that the intention was to promote
"SCA" related lifestyle, which as Master Kevin wisely
pointed out, is quite varied and may not have in some
cases any historical relation at all.

(Yes, even if you think that sharing information on
the Classic Swimming Pool may be educational, it
doesn't qualify as "SCA related" and teachers would
not be amused.)

Examples of "non-SCA" related activities would be if
someone, for example, decided to show up at a demo and
try to do a modern Tae-Kwon-Do demonstration or modern
military knife fighting (with real weapons).  That
would *not* be SCA related at all.

Or for example, to hand a kid a dagger, even if it is
tipped as per SCA regulations, and have him go at it
with another kid or another person without armor.  It
is all fun and games until someone loses an eye.  That
sort of thing is not only not allowed as per SCA
regulations, but it would probably be illegal and land
a kid in the hospital and someone else in jail.

Therefore, "SCA related" would refer to our mission of
educating people in the history of the Middle Ages and
Rennaisance and not necessarily in SCA life.  And a
demo on period fighting, when done properly, will be
not only SCA related but also safe.


-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": http://www.houseffg.org
Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org

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