[Ponte Alto] Demos...

james barker flonzy at hotmail.com
Mon May 2 07:42:12 PDT 2005


The sticky part is does historical sword work done at a slow pace fall under 
A&S or combat? Last I heard was it fell under A&S. It's not like full tilt 
SCA combat; it is more of a scholarly pursuit. I think the question has been 
misunderstood by the Kingdom Seneschal, there would be no actual combat 
involved, it's more like showing how martial arts works not actual in the 
ring combat.

Maybe Scott and I should email her directly on this.


----Original Message Follows----
From: Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org, seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Demos...
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 07:27:22 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings Ponte Alto,

I have received a concerned call from Anne le Coeur , Kingdom Seneschal 
about a Demo that we are supposedly going to do. There was a question about 
doing non-SCA combat at this event and weather kids would need wavers to 
participate. This sent up a red flag in Kingdom's minds. So I am posting 
this e-mail to find out what is planned and to inform everyone that if a 
Demo is held using SCA name, regalia or representation, then you MUST hold 
to the SCA demo rules listed in chapter 3 of the chatelaine's handbook 
http://chatelaine.atlantia.sca.org/handbook/. NO Combat with the spectators 
being one of the big rules. Any combat that represents the SCA must be 
combat that we approve of and have a overall working knowledge of on all 
participants parts.

I realize the Demo's being planned are in the future meaning May and June 
but these rules cannot be changed. Please get back to me ASAP with any plans 
you have in the future. I expect if the SCA is involved that you will be 
responsible and mindful of the image of the SCA. If there are non-SCA 
activities such as a foreign combat then the event Can Not be, in any way 
sponsored or associated with the SCA. This comes down directly from Kingdom.

So to assure the Kingdom that we are not misrepresenting the SCA or in 
anyway setting us up for a law suite could all people or Ponte Alto planning 
an event in the next few months get in contact with me about the 

Thank you.

Lady Maria Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

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