FW: [Ponte Alto] Fundraising

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 29 10:02:19 PST 2005

Hi Connor,
You handled this nicely. 
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

Connor Sinclair <connorsinclair at yahoo.com> wrote:
Sir Andrew,
Merely a thought, so take it for what it is worth.
Many of the questions, reservations, and issues that
you have with the kingdom travel fundraising would
have been answered and explained personally had you
attended the baronial meeting the following Sunday, as
opposed to having people try to, via email, explain
and answer your concerns, a week after the event.

Now I am not aware of who else may have issue with the
Kingdom Travel Fundraising being held at the event,
other than yourself, however, my wife made it a point
to consult not only our seneschal, but Master Tirloch,
in order to avoid any impropriety. The bake sale, its
intent, and destination where also posted on both this
e-listing and the Merry Rose, and as far as I am
aware, there wasn't a hue and cry raised over it, on
either board. To that end, our Exchequer made sure
that both donations were sent through proper channels,
according to Atlantian Law, and were explicitly
documented as to what goes where. Again, no one has
raised so much as an eyebrow, on the kingdom level
over this.

I am fully aware of your issues and opinions and why,
concerning the kingdom travel funds, as you expressed
them quite clearly at the event itself.
I know you do not believe that anyone has acted
inappropriately, and that you are more concerned with
being careful not to mislead our fellow members, even
by accident, but the bottom line is if anyone has any
questions about why the money was collected and where
it is going, all they need to do is simply ask. If,
however anyone feels that it should have been made
clearer in the Acorn, that blame falls squarely upon
my shoulders, as I was the one that sent in the

If after all of that, anyone still has an issue with
raising money for the Kingdom Travel Fund, that is
their own personal problem, not mine.

If anyone has any issues, questions, or problems with
any future fundraising, it would be in their best
interest to either attend the baronial meetings and
bring it up there (as that is part of the reason of
having these meetings in the first place) or should
bring it up with the appropriate people, the moment it
comes to their attention, preferably before the
fundraising begins.

If you would like to continue this conversation or if
you have any more specific questions, feel free to
contact me offlist. This topic has filled up enough of
peoples inboxes.

~Connor Sinclair

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