<DIV>Hi Connor,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>You handled this nicely. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Lady Maria-Therese de Normand</DIV>
<DIV>Seneschal, Ponte Alto<BR><BR><B><I>Connor Sinclair <connorsinclair@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Sir Andrew,<BR>Merely a thought, so take it for what it is worth.<BR>Many of the questions, reservations, and issues that<BR>you have with the kingdom travel fundraising would<BR>have been answered and explained personally had you<BR>attended the baronial meeting the following Sunday, as<BR>opposed to having people try to, via email, explain<BR>and answer your concerns, a week after the event.<BR><BR>Now I am not aware of who else may have issue with the<BR>Kingdom Travel Fundraising being held at the event,<BR>other than yourself, however, my wife made it a point<BR>to consult not only our seneschal, but Master Tirloch,<BR>in order to avoid any impropriety. The bake sale, its<BR>intent, and destination where also posted on both this<BR>e-listing and the Merry Rose, and as far as I am<BR>aware, there wasn't a hue and cry raised over it, on<BR>either board. To that end, our Exchequer
made sure<BR>that both donations were sent through proper channels,<BR>according to Atlantian Law, and were explicitly<BR>documented as to what goes where. Again, no one has<BR>raised so much as an eyebrow, on the kingdom level<BR>over this.<BR><BR>I am fully aware of your issues and opinions and why,<BR>concerning the kingdom travel funds, as you expressed<BR>them quite clearly at the event itself.<BR>I know you do not believe that anyone has acted<BR>inappropriately, and that you are more concerned with<BR>being careful not to mislead our fellow members, even<BR>by accident, but the bottom line is if anyone has any<BR>questions about why the money was collected and where<BR>it is going, all they need to do is simply ask. If,<BR>however anyone feels that it should have been made<BR>clearer in the Acorn, that blame falls squarely upon<BR>my shoulders, as I was the one that sent in the<BR>information.<BR><BR>If after all of that, anyone still has an issue with<BR>raising money for
the Kingdom Travel Fund, that is<BR>their own personal problem, not mine.<BR><BR>If anyone has any issues, questions, or problems with<BR>any future fundraising, it would be in their best<BR>interest to either attend the baronial meetings and<BR>bring it up there (as that is part of the reason of<BR>having these meetings in the first place) or should<BR>bring it up with the appropriate people, the moment it<BR>comes to their attention, preferably before the<BR>fundraising begins.<BR><BR>If you would like to continue this conversation or if<BR>you have any more specific questions, feel free to<BR>contact me offlist. This topic has filled up enough of<BR>peoples inboxes.<BR><BR>~Connor Sinclair<BR><BR><BR><BR>__________________________________ <BR>Do you Yahoo!? <BR>Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!<BR>http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/resources/ <BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Ponte-Alto mailing
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