[Ponte Alto] tattoo ingredients

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 28 08:07:42 PST 2005


At this point, I think that attempting to prepare this
thing and using it on yourself sounds more like a
recipe for going to the hospital than anything else.

Here is my suggestion:  Write a paper with your
research in period tattoo techniques, but don't
attempt to make a tattoo on your body or prepare the

You may also want to look at period tattoo designs and
make one using modern ingrediants (a temporary tattoo
if you wish).  Then go ahead and explain why you are
using modern materials and how they compare to the
period ones.  (The reason that period materials are
toxic and you don't want to die or at least spend a
painful and unpleasant time at the hospital is a good
reason.  Believe me, no judge will scoff at that!)

This is a situation that is not unlike Elizabethan
make-up techniques.  The stuff that women put on their
faces was very toxic and no one in her right mind
would use it these days.  (For one thing, they used
lead as a base for their make-up.)  

However, I have seen people do research and
documentation on that and come up with modern make-up
that resembles the period one but without the toxic

Here is a link to that website, so you can get an idea
of how to document something very toxic and come up
with a modern solution that resembles it without
putting you -- or anyone else -- at risk.


True, this is make-up and your research is tattoos,
but the principle is the same.

Hope this works.

PS.  It would make your Baroness very unhappy to see
you try the period recipe and get yourself or someone
else poisoned.  We like our Pontoons to stay healthy.

--- Nicholas Wizorek <nicholaswiz at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get
> these ingredients
> 1 lb. of Egyptian pine wood bark
> 2 ounces of corroded bronze, ground with vinegar
> 2 ounces of gall (insect egg deposits)
> 1 oz. of vitriol (iron sulphate)
> Nick
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