[Ponte Alto] tattoo ingredients

Barbara Reed bereed26 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 28 10:11:15 PST 2005

A gall is actually a sore, if you will, on a tree
caused by an insect depositing its eggs in the bark. 
Oak gall is used to make period calligraphy ink.  I
know that the Garbriel Guild sells oak galls at
Pennsic, but I have not had luck today in finding a
website for them.  I know that John Neal, Bookseller
in Winston-Salem, NC has oak gall ink, but I don't
think that is what you are looking for.  You may need
to find a nice oak tree & look for galls yourself. 
Although oak gall ink doesn't seem to be too toxic,
but I wouldn't eat it, let alone put it under my

I have to go with the toxicologist re: the toxic
nature of the other ingredients.  A well-conceived
research paper discussing period methods of tatooing
would be very interesting.  A seriously ill Nick would
not be.  Give the toxic stuff a pass - I don't want to
have to explain to my Kingdom superior why your flesh
is falling off & you are turning unusual colors.  I
guarentee that you wouldn't be happy about such
things, either.

Yours in Service,

Baronial A&S Officer, Ponte Alto
--- Nicholas Wizorek <nicholaswiz at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get
> these ingredients
> 1 lb. of Egyptian pine wood bark
> 2 ounces of corroded bronze, ground with vinegar
> 2 ounces of gall (insect egg deposits)
> 1 oz. of vitriol (iron sulphate)

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