[Ponte Alto] tattoo ingredients

ldygisele at earthlink.net ldygisele at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 28 07:12:21 PST 2005

Good morning,
If this is an ancient (or really old) recipe, you are going to have trouble because I don't think Egypt has trees any more, let alone pines.  If it is a type of pine, not country of origin, you'll need to find out the Latin name or some such, because there's not a pine that goes by that name here in the US (that I've ever heard, anyway).  

Galls are large round insect pods, found most often on oak trees.  If you can get yourself to an old hardwood forest, you ought to be able to find some.  They look kind of like small crunchy puffball mushrooms, light brown in color with a round hole in one side usually. 

As a toxicologist, I really have to warn you about the vitriol and "corroded bronze, ground with vinegar" the second one is going to cause some nasty fumes, and the vitriol just isn't good - especially if you're supposed to heat it.  It will be really hard for you to find it as a liquid due to its hazard ranking and quick oxidizing (ie. they won't ship it)- I believe the crystalline form is used in dyes.  If you plan on making the tattoo ink, not just researching, be very careful to do it outside or in a really well-ventilated room like the kitchen with the fans on and windows open.

Good luck - I'd love to read the research if you write a paper on it. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Wizorek <nicholaswiz at hotmail.com>
Sent: Jan 27, 2005 10:11 PM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] tattoo ingredients

I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get these ingredients

1 lb. of Egyptian pine wood bark
2 ounces of corroded bronze, ground with vinegar
2 ounces of gall (insect egg deposits)
1 oz. of vitriol (iron sulphate)


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