[Ponte Alto] Storage Unit

starfox5 at msn.com starfox5 at msn.com
Mon Feb 7 17:11:39 PST 2005

Hi, Melissent!

I'm gearing up to cook the feast for Performer's Symposium; is there a way 
to get into the storage unit to retrieve the cooking gear? Next Saturday 
anytime would be best for me, but we can discuss...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Melanie Cozad" <melaniesuzanne at gmail.com>
To: "The Barony of Ponte Alto" <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Seeking deputies

> Greetings and salutations, fellow Pontoons,
> I shall be stepping up as Baronial Exchequer at the Performers' and
> Dance Symposium in two week's time and am in need of deputies,
> especially a Chamberlain.
> The main duties of Chamberlain are as follows:
> - inventory the storage unit a couple of times a year (this takes an
> hour, maybe two, and I'll be right alongside you counting bowls :) )
> - provide access to baronial gear when it is needed
> - clean and/or mend (or find someone else willing) baronial items as 
> necessary
> - attend the baronial business meeting if the exchequer is unable to
> attend and no other exchequer deputies are available.
> Items DO NOT have to live at your house. That's what the storage unit is 
> for. :)
> Speaking of the storage unit, it is located in Herndon so interested
> parties may want to keep that in mind.
> See? It really is an easy and not-very-time-consuming job. :) It's a
> great stepping stone for a newcomer because you get to see a little of
> the barony's history through its belongings!
> If you are interested, please contact me offlist. Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Melissent
> -- 
> Melanie Cozad
> Lady Melissent d'Artois [SCA - Kingdom of Atlantia - Barony of Ponte Alto]
> Milicent Chapman [Lord Grey's Retinue]
> melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
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