[Ponte Alto] Attention poets, singers, dancers, storytellers, instrumentalists!

Melanie / Millicent melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 12:49:41 PST 2005

Greetings to the populace of Ponte Alto from Lady Millicent Chandler:

Their Excellencies, Baron Marcellus and Baronne Belphoebe, will select
a new Baronial Bard during the Tournament of Love and Beauty on
February 18. The theme of the bardic competition will be, conveniently
enough, "love" and/or "beauty". Documentation is not required; period
style is preferred.

Entrants should sign up at Troll and will receive a token to wear.
Performances will take place between fight rounds in the barn (after
all, performers need an audience!). Their Excellencies will announce
their new Bardic Champion during the evening court.

What do you do as Baronial Bard? You get to be on the Baronial
Champions team for the Chalice of the Sun God event and you represent
the barony during other Champion challenges. You promote bardic arts
in the barony. And you help Their Excellencies select a new Champion
at the end of your term. Pretty spiffy, yes?

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about the
competition or the duties of the bardic champion.


Melanie Cozad                 melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
~ Lady Millicent Chandler (formerly Melissent d'Artois) ~
                ~ Chancellor of the Exchequer ~
        ~ Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia ~

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