[Ponte Alto] Little Rings for Lacing was: Re: Hancock Fabrics

Sharon Henderson revsharonhenderson at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 7 15:42:35 PDT 2005

*Meli peeks out of lurkage*

I get my lacing rings at Home Depot, in the plumbing section....

I don't know what they're called, but they're little, solid copper things that look a lot like washers, but slightly more elegant, and have a larger hole in the centre.  They look as if someone cut little copper bagels out of a pipe or something, except that they are quite smooth....

They're incredibly inexpensive, and after a quick application of copper cleaner when gowns come out of the wash, they brighten right back up.  :-)  Baroness Miriam bat Mordecai taught me the wonders of these little guys....

I don't know what to suggest you ask for; I always manage to find them, they come in little plastic baggies and are in the plumbing section.  They take paint well, copper cleaner even better, and since they are so smooth, and fairly small, I've even used them as the underpinnings of lacing holes--just used an awl to poke the hole, then set the "copper washer-esque thingie whose name I know not" over the hole, and proceed to embroider over it.  Then the lacing holes wear like iron.  (or maybe like copper.  Heh.)  But I have also used them just as lacing rings, spacing them about an inch apart in pairs down the front of a gown, or up the back or sides, or even to lace the sleeves....

Anyway, meine zwei Pfennigs....

Blessings on the house,
Meli ferch Iasper

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