[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto's 2003 Domesday Survey

Lady Courtney de Hoghton caerdubh at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 26 11:22:08 PDT 2003

Good gentles of Ponte Alto,

In an effort to determine if our current storage
facility is meeting our needs, our tireless Exchequeur
Lady Katharine Devereaux has asked that I run a
domesday census of the population to see how many of
you are holding on to Baronial items due to a lack of
space in our current facility.

These items could be anything from cookware, event
signs, server tabards, regalia, serving dishes,
banners, running walls, pavilions, etc.

Please reply as swiftly as possible so we can get the
best possible idea of how much of the Barony's
inventory is in need of a more permanent home.

Many thanks,

Lady Courtney de Hoghton

Courtney de Hoghton

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