[Ponte Alto] Performer's Symposium Feast Menu

corun at medievalist.org corun at medievalist.org
Sun Jan 26 09:02:49 PST 2003

I only just now saw the question and Anne's response, but to concur; what
she said.


At 11:35 AM 1/26/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I don't see another response yet from the Autocrat, so I'll give what I
>believe is the answer. So, with apologies to Corun...
>Pre-registration is available for the entire event, not just the feast.
>But I recommended, and the autocrat concurred, that we'll close the feast
>pre-reg a week ahead of the event.
>And yes, it is for cost reasons.  If we close pre-registration for the
>feast, the cook knows exactly how many to cook for - and, more importantly,
>what the "income" is for the feast budget.  If we don't close
>pre-registration, then the cook might buy too much or too less (and
>potentially spend too much).  We realize that this particular event might
>have a (relatively) narrow interest, and since it's never been done before
>we can't estimate how many people will attend.  Thus, it would be
>inappropriate for us to assume that the feast would be "sold out", let the
>cook spend money as if it would be, and risk loosing money for the barony.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org
>[mailto:ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Michael C Emrich
>Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 11:00 AM
>To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
>Subject: RE: [Ponte Alto] Performer's Symposium Feast Menu
>My I ask why we are only doing a pre-registration for the Feast?  Is this
>based on the cost or other factor?
>Miles de Locwode
>Seneschal, Barony of Ponte Alto
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org
>[mailto:ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Kerri Martinsen
>Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:15 PM
>To: Merry Rose; ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org; SCA Cooks
>Subject: [Ponte Alto] Performer's Symposium Feast Menu
>The following is the menu for the Performer's Symposium on February 22nd.
>If you have any questions, please contact me.  The menu will also be posted
>on the event's web site at http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/pf_flyer.html
>Please note that the feast is sold by Pre-registration only.  Feast will
>close on February 15th.  There will be no day of event seats sold.
>Please direct all dietary concerns to me at kerrimart at mindspring.com or call
>703-799-0244 before 10pm.  All reasonable requests will be accommodated.
>Key:    (n) contains nuts
>         (a) alcohol used in recipe
>         * Vegetarian (contains dairy and/or eggs, but no meat)
>         **Vegan (no meat or animal products)
>1st Remove
>German Beer Bread   **
>Mushroom Cheese Tarts   *
>Chicken Soup    (Vegetarian option will be made available if notified)
>Cheese ­ variety of fresh cheeses   *
>2nd Remove
>White Bread *
>Pork roast w/ Galantine sauce (a)
>Roasted onions **
>Isfidhabaya:  Lamb simmered with almonds & spices (n)
>Honey Carrots   *
>Cabbage Salad   **
>3rd Remove
>Apple Turten *
>Dulcia Domestica :  Stuffed Dates (a)(n) *
>Primary Sources:
>· Anonymous, Le Menagier de Paris (The Goodman of Paris), 1393.  Translated
>by Janet Hinson, available online at
>http://www.best.com/~ddfr/Medieval/Cookbooks/ Menagier/Menagier.html.
>· Apic.7, 13, 1 Try <www.tubears.com> 50,000 Recipes - Ancient Roman
>· Freidman, David.   The Andalusian Cookbook/A Collection of Medieval and
>Renaissance Cookbooks Vol. II.
>· Rumpolt, Marx.  Ein New Kochbuch, c. 1581. Transliteration and translation
>© 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by M. Grasse, Von allerley Turten. Pg CLXXVIb, Of
>all sorts of Tarts.   http://clem.mscd.edu/~grasse/GK_turten1.htm.  Used
>with permission.
>Lady Hrosvitha von Celle
>Per pale sable and gules, a fret and on a point pointed argent a pair of
>shears inverted sable.
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