[Ponte Alto] Performer's Symposium Feast Menu

Anne of Carthew acarthew at cox.net
Sun Jan 26 08:35:34 PST 2003

I don't see another response yet from the Autocrat, so I'll give what I
believe is the answer. So, with apologies to Corun...

Pre-registration is available for the entire event, not just the feast.

But I recommended, and the autocrat concurred, that we'll close the feast
pre-reg a week ahead of the event.

And yes, it is for cost reasons.  If we close pre-registration for the
feast, the cook knows exactly how many to cook for - and, more importantly,
what the "income" is for the feast budget.  If we don't close
pre-registration, then the cook might buy too much or too less (and
potentially spend too much).  We realize that this particular event might
have a (relatively) narrow interest, and since it's never been done before
we can't estimate how many people will attend.  Thus, it would be
inappropriate for us to assume that the feast would be "sold out", let the
cook spend money as if it would be, and risk loosing money for the barony.


-----Original Message-----
From: ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Michael C Emrich
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 11:00 AM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: RE: [Ponte Alto] Performer's Symposium Feast Menu

My I ask why we are only doing a pre-registration for the Feast?  Is this
based on the cost or other factor?

Miles de Locwode
Seneschal, Barony of Ponte Alto

-----Original Message-----
From: ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-admin at atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Kerri Martinsen
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:15 PM
To: Merry Rose; ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org; SCA Cooks
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Performer's Symposium Feast Menu

The following is the menu for the Performer's Symposium on February 22nd.
If you have any questions, please contact me.  The menu will also be posted
on the event's web site at http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/pf_flyer.html

Please note that the feast is sold by Pre-registration only.  Feast will
close on February 15th.  There will be no day of event seats sold.

Please direct all dietary concerns to me at kerrimart at mindspring.com or call
703-799-0244 before 10pm.  All reasonable requests will be accommodated.

Key:    (n) contains nuts
        (a) alcohol used in recipe
        * Vegetarian (contains dairy and/or eggs, but no meat)
        **Vegan (no meat or animal products)

1st Remove

German Beer Bread   **
Mushroom Cheese Tarts   *
Chicken Soup    (Vegetarian option will be made available if notified)
Cheese ­ variety of fresh cheeses   *

2nd Remove

White Bread *
Pork roast w/ Galantine sauce (a)
Roasted onions **
Isfidhabaya:  Lamb simmered with almonds & spices (n)
Honey Carrots   *
Cabbage Salad   **

3rd Remove

Apple Turten *
Dulcia Domestica :  Stuffed Dates (a)(n) *

Primary Sources:
· Anonymous, Le Menagier de Paris (The Goodman of Paris), 1393.  Translated
by Janet Hinson, available online at
http://www.best.com/~ddfr/Medieval/Cookbooks/ Menagier/Menagier.html.

· Apic.7, 13, 1 Try <www.tubears.com> 50,000 Recipes - Ancient Roman

· Freidman, David.   The Andalusian Cookbook/A Collection of Medieval and
Renaissance Cookbooks Vol. II.

· Rumpolt, Marx.  Ein New Kochbuch, c. 1581. Transliteration and translation
© 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by M. Grasse, Von allerley Turten. Pg CLXXVIb, Of
all sorts of Tarts.   http://clem.mscd.edu/~grasse/GK_turten1.htm.  Used
with permission.

Lady Hrosvitha von Celle
Per pale sable and gules, a fret and on a point pointed argent a pair of
shears inverted sable.

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