[Ponte Alto] Forwarding event from College of Rencester
DCADENISE at aol.com
DCADENISE at aol.com
Wed Feb 5 06:35:48 PST 2003
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Rencester’s Celebration of Spring
March 15 Williamsburg VA
The College of Rencester invites the good gentles of Atlantia to a
Celebration of Spring! Join us for a day of rest and relaxation, or
excitement and activity, as you choose.
Contests: The day’s events will include marshal and arts and sciences
tournaments. Gentles in attendance at the event are encouraged to enter as
many or as few of these contests as they desire. Prizes will be given to the
winners of each contest. At the close of these competitions, a Champion will
be chosen for Rencester. To be eligible for Champion, one must enter three
of the five contests. Marshall Tourneys will be held in both rapier and
heavy weapons. Arts & Sciences is an open competition to be judged by the
populace. Anything may be entered, but we encourage submissions that
incorporate Rencester’s colors of blue, white, and gold. There will be an
A&S performance competition judged by populace judges (sign up at troll to
volunteer). Lastly there will be a poetry contest based on a list of given
words. The Baroness will be the judge of this tourney.
Other Activities: In honor of the Ides of March, the College will be selling
stab-o-grams, consisting of candy, a note, and a plastic sword which will be
delivered to the recipients during the day before court. The money earned
will be used to defray the NMS cost for the students of the college and to
help defray other costs of the event. There will be a light lunch and a
marvelous repast in the evening during which the Rencester Singers will be
performing music from the late16th century. Dancing will follow.
Site: In Trinkle Hall, the Campus Center, at the College of William and
Mary, Williamsburg, VA. Please see directions at bottom. Restrictions: This
is a dry site. College regulations prohibit pets, live steel, open flames or
merchants. Site opens at 10 AM and closes at 11 pm.
Autocrat: Erin Epperson e_squared737 at hotmail.com (757-221-4777)
Feast: A delicious repast will be cooked up by Megan Gallagher. Contact her
at mpgall at wm.edu with any dietary concerns
Reservations: are $5 off-board or $9 on-board for members. (Non-SCA-members
add $3.) Children under 18 pay $4 for feast, with no site fee; children
under 6 are guests of the college. Reservations for feast must be received
by March 9.
Send reservations to:
Dave Berry
College of William and Mary
CSU #1647
Williamsburg, VA 23186-1647
Directions: Take your best route to I-64.
From the East: Take I-64 to Exit 242A. This is Route 199 West. Staying
the right lane, proceed to the 4th traffic light (about 6 miles), turn right
onto Route 5 East (Jamestown Road). ***
From the West: Take I-64 east to exit 234. Turn right onto route 199
Proceed to the 2nd traffic light (about 7-8 miles). Turn left onto Route 5
East (Jamestown Road).***
***Staying in the left lane go approximately 2 miles to the end of Jamestown
Road. You will see the Campus Center on your right. Turn right onto South
Boundary Street, then make the next right onto Grigsby Drive.
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