[Ponte Alto] Web site updates - please check new additions to the site

Kim Jordan kmj1 at cornell.edu
Wed Apr 30 08:04:05 PDT 2003

Thomas is there, Belphoebe.  Find yourself, then look two rows up.  :)
Although it claims he got his Garland on 8/13/02, which is close, but it
was really 8/16/02, along with Christopher Hare's Garland, last Friday
of this past Pennsic.


Belphoebe wrote:

>I also noticed that Lord Thomas Lyon of Braemer is not
>listed on the OP.  He plays with Ponte Alto, is a
>Companion of the Order of the Garland, and last year
>he was the Captain of the Baroness' Guard.
>Can that be corrected?  Thomas, can you send Courtney
>your blazon and device so they can list you in the
>Armorial as well?
>--- agnes daunce <agnes_daunce at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>I misspoke.  I am not listed in the OP. SInce I play
>>with Ponte Alto, what do I need to do to get listed.
>> Thanks.
>>In Service,
>>Agnes Daunce
>>--- "Gary R. Halstead" <ghalstead at adelphia.net>
>>>You're listed in the OP because you play with
>>Ponte Alto.  Up
>>>to this point
>>>I haven't removed anyone from the OP, that may
>>change as the
>>>page is
>>>getting a little large and maintenance is becoming
>>a pain.
>>>I'm considering
>>>removing some combination of:
>>>A) People we haven't seen in years
>>>B) People who've moved out of Kingdom
>>>C) People who play exclusively with other groups
>>>At 12:59 PM 4/29/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>I checked the officers information and all my
>>information is
>>>>I'm listed in the OP list.  Is that because I
>>don't live in
>>>>Ponte Alto?  When someone moves from the kingdom
>>are they
>>>>removed from the OP? Question of curiosity.
>>>>In Service,
>>>>Agnes Daunce
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