[Ponte Alto] pennsic reminders

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Tue May 14 13:38:08 PDT 2002

Greetings  :-)
    Just a couple of Pennsic reminders.  

If you are going to Pennsic, preregistration deadline in JUNE 1.  Please send 
in your Pennsic registration  :-)   If you are camping with the Barony, 
please make sure group name reads
If you have already pre-registered with the Barony.... Thank You  :-)  To 
ensure a spot with the Barony you must contact me when you receive your Penn 
number.  Otherwise space may not be provided for you and you could end up in 
single camping.

    Please see the following web site if you are able to help with the 
Children's Fete this year at Pennsic
 <A HREF="http://kmom.atlantia.sca.org/PennsicActivities/pennsicactivities.html">Pennsic Activities</A>

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