<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>Greetings :-)
<BR> Just a couple of Pennsic reminders.
<BR>If you are going to Pennsic, preregistration deadline in JUNE 1. Please send in your Pennsic registration :-) If you are camping with the Barony, please make sure group name reads
<BR></B>If you have already pre-registered with the Barony.... Thank You :-) To ensure a spot with the Barony you must contact me when you receive your Penn number. Otherwise space may not be provided for you and you could end up in single camping.
<BR> Please see the following web site if you are able to help with the Children's Fete this year at Pennsic
<BR> <A HREF="http://kmom.atlantia.sca.org/PennsicActivities/pennsicactivities.html">Pennsic Activities</A>
<BR>Denise </FONT></HTML>