[Ponte Alto] Laws folding party - Part II

Craig Lee-Allen corun at cox.rr.com
Sun Mar 3 14:56:11 PST 2002

Greetings from Corun,

Due to a problem with the printing of the Laws, the Kingdom Chronicler and 
I were unable to complete the task of stuffing and labeling last Thursday. 
Thus we are calling for volunteers again to finish the job. This will occur 
again at 8pm, Thursday March 7, at my home.

Directions: The most direct route is to make your best way to the Beltway, 
495. If you have a map you can probably find one of the back routes. Get 
off the Beltway at Little River Turnpike, Virginia 236, West (outside the 
Beltway). Turn right just past the first traffic light at King Arthur Road 
(you can't miss it for the big, white walls bearing the words Camelot on 
either corner of the street, ignore the fellow trying to pull the sword out 
of the stone). The house is sixth down on the right at 4001.

ALLERGY ALERT! We have a dog and a cat.

In gratitude,
Baron Corun
Clerk of Law

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