[Ponte Alto] BASKETDRIVE '02

agnes daunce agnes_daunce at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 12 14:20:57 PDT 2002

Greetings Lady Lucia,

 Although you do not have my contributions you can depend on
rGeceiving them at the Baronial meeting, perhaps sooner.
I promised  3 baskets, 6 waters (two per each basket) and
chocolates for each basket.

In Service,

Baroness Agnes Daunce

--- e.georges at att.net wrote:
> Greetings!
> So far, the gracious populace of Ponte Alto has 
> contributed the following (That I have in my 
> possession.  There are other items I have been promised, 
> and I thank people for their pledges, as well as the 
> people who have already given me stuff.)
> 5 baskets
> 1 bottle of water
> Tickets to the Holocaust Museum
> The Basketdrive Collection Tour continues at Friday's 
> NEWCOMER'S MEETING at Baron Thomas and Baroness Denise's 
> house in Lorton.  Bring any of the following:
> Baskets
> Small bottles of water
> Virginia goodies (like homemade honey, peanuts, etc. But 
> please, no alcohol)
> Small boxes of chocolate
> Ideas for things to do
> We have about 11 baskets to make up, so every little bit 
> helps!
> Also, remember that all you need is a computer to 
> contribute your ideas!  The BoD is going to want to have 
> ideas of places to go and things to do (especially in 
> the evening), so send me an email (lucia at lucia-
> pegasus.net) with your idea.  Yes, it is that simple.
> And if you cannot make it Friday, you can either bring 
> your items to the Baronial Business Meeting on June 30, 
> or you can email me (lucia at lucia-pegasus.net) and I will 
> arrange to pick up your materials from you directly.
> Thanks again, everyone, for your help!  This Barony 
> continually astounds me with its generosity!
> In Service,
> Lucia
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