[Ponte Alto] BASKETDRIVE '02
e.georges at att.net
e.georges at att.net
Wed Jun 12 06:42:29 PDT 2002
So far, the gracious populace of Ponte Alto has
contributed the following (That I have in my
possession. There are other items I have been promised,
and I thank people for their pledges, as well as the
people who have already given me stuff.)
5 baskets
1 bottle of water
Tickets to the Holocaust Museum
The Basketdrive Collection Tour continues at Friday's
NEWCOMER'S MEETING at Baron Thomas and Baroness Denise's
house in Lorton. Bring any of the following:
Small bottles of water
Virginia goodies (like homemade honey, peanuts, etc. But
please, no alcohol)
Small boxes of chocolate
Ideas for things to do
We have about 11 baskets to make up, so every little bit
Also, remember that all you need is a computer to
contribute your ideas! The BoD is going to want to have
ideas of places to go and things to do (especially in
the evening), so send me an email (lucia at lucia-
pegasus.net) with your idea. Yes, it is that simple.
And if you cannot make it Friday, you can either bring
your items to the Baronial Business Meeting on June 30,
or you can email me (lucia at lucia-pegasus.net) and I will
arrange to pick up your materials from you directly.
Thanks again, everyone, for your help! This Barony
continually astounds me with its generosity!
In Service,
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