[Ponte Alto] Announcements

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Tue Jul 9 10:47:56 PDT 2002

Greetings to the Wonderful People of Ponte Alto,
     We would like to thank THL Feline' for her service to the barony as 
baronial archery champion for a number of years.  It is her undying service 
to the archery community that makes her a leader of such a noble community. 
 We would also welcome our newest baronial archery champion, Morfith. 
 Morfith was 10th of out 40, the highest placing Ponte Alto archer at Flights 
of Fancy.  He has been attending Stierbach weekly archery practices for the 
last year and has just moved within our glorious baronial borders.  Please 
help us welcoming him into our Barony and into his newest position as 
baronial archery champion.

    Sunday's Picnic Authorization in the Park was another huge success for 
the Barony.  There were approximately 90 people in attendance.  There were 15 
authorizations at the event.  The food was plentiful as were the merriment 
and camaraderie were shared by all this day.  We also thank those members of 
Ponte Alto's musical Harp and Drum Corps that graced us with lovely music for 
the splendid afternoon.  And thanks to Baroness Agnes for her service at the 
picnic. As always she is there before and after the event cleaning up.... 
thank you  :-) 

   We would also like to congratulate Lady Belphoebe and Delphina the Mad for 
authorizing in combat archery at Highland Foorde over the weekend.  We now 
have 4 combat archers fighting for the Barony this year at Pennsic, including 
Lord Marcellus and Lady Catriona.

    We are still in search of weavers to assist our cause.  Seems our army is 
ever growing is size.  It is our wish to bestow woven campaign ribbons for 
those  heavy fighters who fight under the baronial colors and wear the 
baronial tabards and to those rapier fighters who wear the baronial favor and 
fight under the baronial colors at a war or an event in which the fighters 
fight as a unit. We are in search of weavers to help us with these woven 
campaign ribbons.  This plea also goes out to those individuals with sewing 
skills, we could use your help and assistance in making more baronial 
tabards.  Please contact Baroness Denise with any questions 
 DCADENISE at aol.com  

     The Barony of Ponte Alto has been awarded N18 for their block 
assignment.  Our neighbors at Pennsic will be the Barony of Stierbach.  We 
will besharing part of our encampments this year ie: fire pit and walkway are 
to the two encampments.  Some one even mentioned... maybe we should put a 
running wall over the fire pit and call it Route 28  :-)  Or having a "toll 
road" on the walk way between the two encampments  :-)  We are very excited 
about our Pennsic preparations.

Yours in Service to this Wondrous Barony and Kingdom,
Thomas and Denise

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