[Ponte Alto] Demo season open!

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Thu Feb 21 22:43:37 PST 2002


    Please help us start the demo season with off with a bang!  Our first
demo is a recent request from the Fairfax Boy Scouts.  They will be holding
a banquet this Sunday, Feb. 24 and we have been asked to give a fighting
demo from 5pm to 6pm at the Centreville firehouse (Upper level) on Old
Centreville Rd.  E-mail or call me for directions - 703-264-0072.

    They have invited us to stay for dinner (lasagna, salad, bread) and are
thrilled that we can brighten their event.  The leader says, "The older
scouts will be studying the renaissance starting next month.  They cover
general knowledge in their lessons at school.  I think the boys would love
to hear about the armor and tournaments.  They also do a renaissance day at
school where they have a chance to dress in costume, so a little about the
would be helpful."

    Please reply to me quickly if you are able to make it for this demo.  As
you can see, we especially need fighters!  (Consider this your Sunday
practice!)  Thank you for your generosity in advance and I hope to hear from
you soon.

Sorcha de Glys  :)

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