[Ponte Alto] september il tempo

Gary Halstead ghalstead at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 25 19:09:09 PDT 2002


Do you have any idea if Stacy is still working on our Court Barony 
scrolls?  I assume she's  in the throes of finishing her degree, so I'm not 
expecting anything soon.

Just wondering,


At 06:47 PM 8/21/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Scriptorium is getting active again as of September. Second and Fourth 
>Thursdays as usual. Second Thursday is at my house; please phone or e-mail 
>for directions.
>Also, if there are any Pontoons on the Scribal backlog, PLEASE LET US 
>KNOW! Scriptorium would like to make sure our own folks get the scrolls 
>due them. If you have received an AoA, but haven't bothered to register 
>arms, well, DO IT! We can't make a spiffy AoA scroll for you unless 
>there's arms to put on it... and spiff is our specialty! Go to the Clerk 
>Signet's Website & look yourself up; I saw a bunch of outstanding Pearl & 
>Dolphin scrolls that I'd like confirmation on.
>Thanks Ursula!
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <mailto:vjtuten at starpower.net>Vikki Tuten
>>To: <mailto:ponte_alto at atlantia.sca.org>ponte alto
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 6:57 PM
>>Subject: [Ponte Alto] september il tempo
>>if anyone has announcements, etc. that they wish published in the 
>>september issue of il tempo, please get that info to me no later than 
>>sunday august 24th.
>>      -----Nullum Gratuitum Prandium!-----
>>(or, 'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch!')

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