[MR] New KMOAS Deputy for Sciences!

Lara Coutinho orangesophie at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 10:28:00 PDT 2024

Fair Atlantia,
Please be introduced to a new Kingdom MOAS Deputy, Lady Isobel of
Carnewyth, MKA Heather Adams Barnette, now serving as the new KMOAS Deputy
for Sciences!

Huh?? Deputy for Sciences? What's that?

YES! It's new! The "S" side of "A&S" could use a little more love and
attention in our community and Isobel is going to lead that effort!

Some of us may remember when the University of Atlantia hosted the Known
World Sciences Symposium, all online, during pandemic lockdown, in June of
2021. We discovered new depths of excitement about sciences by just
offering the opportunity to share in our community.

So, "What's the difference between Sciences and Arts in SCA A&S?"  I hear
you. It's not defined. All I know is that when the opportunity to focus on
an SCA topic that some folks decide seems more like a science than an art,
more opportunities for SCA geek outs happen!

As we look at this question together as a community, I encourage you to
send your thoughts on the topic to Isobel. Our hope is that she may find
common threads in our community that could help us define "S" vs. "A" a
little more and understand how they are entwined. This will never become a
hard line in the sand, but rather be a shared common understanding to help
us appreciate each other's topics better.

Isobel is modernly a published scientist herself. She has BAs in Art
History and Biology and a Ph.D. in Ecology and did fieldwork for many years
in polar habitats before switching to data analyst roles in other sectors.
In the SCA, she has been an active participant in the Forestry and
Agriculture Guilds, publishing the first two years of the Hurst & Horn
newsletter as a Chronicler for the former and is a founding member of the
latter.  In addition, she migrated the Forestry website, is the current
Technical Director for The Oak, and has a keen interest to foster
communication within and between interest groups and guilds.

Her passion for science is inspiring, and our community will benefit from
her leadership in this new area of exploration.

Isobel is one of a few new KMOAS Deputies that you'll hear about in the
coming days. A few Deputy positions are newly filled and a few will be
opened for applications.  If you are interested in serving the Atlantia A&S
community, please let me know what you'd like to do and what your skill
sets are. You can always get a hold of me via email at
MOAS at officer.atlantia.sca.org.  Lady Isobel can be reached at
isobelofcarnewyth at gmail.com.

Thank you for donating your volunteer work to our community, Isobel!!!!

Sincerely yours,
Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

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