[MR] New KMOAS Deputy for Sciences!

Stefan Cambion stefancambion at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 13:48:05 PDT 2024

When Atlantia was first founded as a principality of the East Kingdom in
1977, there were separate officers  - Minister of Science and Mistress of
the Arts

Stefan of Cambion

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 1:29 PM Lara Coutinho via Atlantia <
atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org> wrote:

> Fair Atlantia,
> Please be introduced to a new Kingdom MOAS Deputy, Lady Isobel of
> Carnewyth, MKA Heather Adams Barnette, now serving as the new KMOAS Deputy
> for Sciences!
> Huh?? Deputy for Sciences? What's that?
> YES! It's new! The "S" side of "A&S" could use a little more love and
> attention in our community and Isobel is going to lead that effort!
> Some of us may remember when the University of Atlantia hosted the Known
> World Sciences Symposium, all online, during pandemic lockdown, in June of
> 2021. We discovered new depths of excitement about sciences by just
> offering the opportunity to share in our community.
> So, "What's the difference between Sciences and Arts in SCA A&S?"  I hear
> you. It's not defined. All I know is that when the opportunity to focus on
> an SCA topic that some folks decide seems more like a science than an art,
> more opportunities for SCA geek outs happen!
> As we look at this question together as a community, I encourage you to
> send your thoughts on the topic to Isobel. Our hope is that she may find
> common threads in our community that could help us define "S" vs. "A" a
> little more and understand how they are entwined. This will never become a
> hard line in the sand, but rather be a shared common understanding to help
> us appreciate each other's topics better.
> Isobel is modernly a published scientist herself. She has BAs in Art
> History and Biology and a Ph.D. in Ecology and did fieldwork for many years
> in polar habitats before switching to data analyst roles in other sectors.
> In the SCA, she has been an active participant in the Forestry and
> Agriculture Guilds, publishing the first two years of the Hurst & Horn
> newsletter as a Chronicler for the former and is a founding member of the
> latter.  In addition, she migrated the Forestry website, is the current
> Technical Director for The Oak, and has a keen interest to foster
> communication within and between interest groups and guilds.
> Her passion for science is inspiring, and our community will benefit from
> her leadership in this new area of exploration.
> Isobel is one of a few new KMOAS Deputies that you'll hear about in the
> coming days. A few Deputy positions are newly filled and a few will be
> opened for applications.  If you are interested in serving the Atlantia A&S
> community, please let me know what you'd like to do and what your skill
> sets are. You can always get a hold of me via email at
> MOAS at officer.atlantia.sca.org.  Lady Isobel can be reached at
> isobelofcarnewyth at gmail.com.
> Thank you for donating your volunteer work to our community, Isobel!!!!
> Sincerely yours,
> Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences
> ========================================================================
>                    The Merry Rose Tavern
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