[MR] Reminder: Submit your track/class proposals for Fall University!

Olivier de Bayonne olivier at trobaire.org
Mon Jul 26 06:23:37 PDT 2021

REMINDER: Submit Your Track/Class Proposals for Fall University!

* TRACK Proposals due Monday, Aug. 2
* Individual CLASS proposals due Friday, Aug. 6

Our next University of Atlantia session will be hosted by the Barony of 
Hidden Mountain on Saturday, Sept. 18 in Myrtle Beach, SC, and we're 
looking for your classes!

While we're focusing on topics that might have been especially 
challenging to learn while everyone was isolated by the plague--from 
martial arts to dyeing to woodworking to brewing and beyond--or that are 
hands-on in nature, just about any class topic is welcome!

NOTE: /NO/ cooking classes will be allowed due to current restrictions 
on providing food.

Classes will be held outdoors under pavilions and day shades as well as 
on the fighting field.

Log on to the University of Atlantia website 
(http://university.atlantia.sca.org/teach.php) to:
* Submit a new class or resubmit a class you’ve taught before
* Learn more about teaching or organizing a track of classes
* Just have an idea for a class but don't know where to turn

Class proposal information can be submitted via either the University 
website or email. To make scheduling classes easier, please only request 
a specific class time if absolutely necessary.
If you email a class proposal, please include the following information:
* Instructor name (SCA and modern)
* Class title
* Fees (if any)
* Max number of students (the default maximum is 25)
* Duration of class (1 hour, 2 hours, or more)
* Class description
* Any special requests including equipment or space requirements for the 
class, as well as any conflicts. This includes equipment the instructor 
would need from the site, e.g. sturdy tables. Please note that equipment 
may not necessarily be available, given site limitations, but it can't 
hurt to ask.

More information about the event is available here: 

Thank you for supporting the University of Atlantia!

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