[MR] Fall University- Class Proposals due 9/7

Jen Thies jenthies at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 16:18:53 PDT 2009

Greetings good gentles,

The Shire of Cathanar has offered to be our hosts for the 76th Session
of the University of Atlantia, to be held in Winterville, NC on
October 3rd. Thank you very much to the good Shirefolk for your
willingness to serve.

In order to meet the needs of the students of Atlantia, we must
provide a full session of fascinating and instructive classes for the
day of learning. If you are interested in teaching a class, organizing
a track of classes or have an idea for a class but don't know who to
turn to, please send a note to me at university at atlantia.sca.org or
use the other contact information for the University Chancellor in
your Acorn. I ask that you please send me your class proposal
information by Monday Sept. 7th

Please include the following information:
- Instructor name (SCA and modern)
- Class title
- Fees (if any)
- Max number of students (the default maximum is 30)
- Duration of class (1 hour, 2 hours, or more)
- Class description
- Any special equipment requests or space requirements for the class.
This includes equipment the instructor would need from the site. E.g.:
overhead projector, slide projector, etc. Equipment is not necessarily
available, but it can't hurt to ask.

In service,
Mistress Genevieve d'Aquitaine
Chancellor, University of Atlantia

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